The Food Freedom Project
The Food Freedom Project is brought to you by Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.
It is part of our exciting new community outreach project designed to help foster greater food sovereignty and localized food economies and networks. We also will be sharing about health-related current events and issues pertinent to your well-being. We are nonpartisan and largely apolitical, though there are clearly efforts to politicize food and health in ways that must be addressed. We are honored to serve you.
Our Mission
Community Angel Fund
In 2024, we are launching our first Community Angel Fund where we will be donating to five organizations who are making a difference in their local communities.

Support Local Resources & Communities
Find local resources and community in your area. Or consider becoming a Food Freedom Sanctuary

Meet The Community
Follow along on our Food Freedom Project US tour with RV4Change. Learn about where Mel and Doug will be next as they travel across the US in their RV and teach communities about local food growing and production and ways to create regenerative communities in your area. Reach out to us to get their schedule or request a stop in your area.